Flip-flops are a way to protect your feet from the boardwalks and pool decks that get hot in the sun.
Assuming that you already have a travel checklist (e.g. bathing suits, sunglasses, phone charger, etc.), here are some things that are worth bringing on your trip to Beaches resort in Turks and Caicos.
Packing List Tips
High SPF waterproof sunscreen - The Turks and Caicos sun is intense. Our family uses one large bottle of sunscreen per person per week. It's good to pack an extra bottle of sunblock because kids who attend day camp need to bring a bottle. (The childcare staff is serious about sun protection.) Spray-on sunscreen is convenient for dads with bald spots and girls with tropically braided hair. We learned this from experience.
Corn starch (baby powder) - When sand sticks to your skin, nothing gets it off more easily than corn starch powder. The powder dries the skin and allows the sand to brush right off.
Earbuds - It's convenient to keep a pair of cheap headphones in your travel bag. The ones that are sold on flights are junk and some airlines (like jetBlue) don't sell earbuds until after the in-flight movies have already started.
Small bills - Don't worry, Beaches no-tipping policy is the real deal. That said, some airport shuttles aren’t operated by the resort, so you may want to tip your driver.
Wetnaps - Tissues and wet kids don't mix, but wetnaps make excellent poolside tissues for young kids with the sniffles. They're also useful for removing face paint.
A pen - You'll need to complete customs and immigrations forms when you arrive at Turks and Caicos and most airlines don’t provide pens.
Flip-flops - There are many ways to burn your feet at Beaches. (It’s unusual, actually. We didn’t have this problem at the beach or pool in Dreams Punta Cana.) Flip-flops are a cheap and convenient way to protect yourself against hot sand, cement, pool decks, etc.
Neosporin - Small cuts and scrapes happen on vacation, especially if you spend a lot of time at the waterpark. It's good to keep a tube of antibiotic ointment in a travel bag.
White clothes - Beaches hosts a "white party" on Sunday nights, and even if you miss it, every night on a tropical island is an opportunity to wear light, breezy clothing.
Men's dress sandals or boat shoes - Even the most formal restaurants at Beaches don't require leather dress shoes.
Plain white t-shirts - Kids who attend Beaches day camp may have the chance to tie-die a shirt, but it's a BYOS (bring your own shirt) event. There are also family tie-die events.